Saturday, 21 March 2015

March Obsessions ♡

Hey lil nuggs 

So it's March and slowly getting sunnier!

I've been using eBay this month to get bargain deals in beauty products!

From my video you can tell I'm trying out a grunge look, so let me know if you like it or not!

I posted some pictures on Instagram of this new look so if you like it don't forget to follow me :)

My obsessions are:

TopShop Lipstick in Black Widow
  • Grid/ Window Patterned Black and White Turtle Neck Crop Top from Miss Selfridge £18
  • Soap and Glory- The Righteous Butter (£10.50), Hand Dream (£5), Heel Genuis (£5.50) and Sexy Motherpucker Lip Gloss (£9)- Bought all for £15
  • TopShop Lipstick in Black Widow (£8)- Got for £5
  • Real Techniques Eye Shadow Brush Set (£22)- Bought off Amazon for £12
  • Makeover Essentials- Weekly Essentials Kit (£43), Brush Fan Compact Kit (£29), Purse Petit Mini (£23) plus a makeup guide - I bought these off eBay for £15

Let me know if you guys have any recommendations in beauty, music, fashion or anything!

Soap and Glory Set of Hand, Foot and Body Cream

Real Technique Eye Brushes

Peace out and stay beautiful my little nuggos 

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Welcome to my new blog! ♡

Hello my little chicken nuggs 

This my first post on this blog so hey everyone!

I'm gonna be blogging about lots of things, including my recommendations in beauty, fashion, music and so on.

I'll also be uploading my YouTube videos every weekend too so subscribe to my channel to keep up to date with that.

I'm going to blog every weekend and embed my new video so you can check it out :)

Love you all and stay beautiful my little chicken nuggs!