So this post is about the weird and wonderful facts about me. I'm a strange human so I have some weird ass facts.
- I'm an Aquarius- self explanatory really
- I'm 5ft 1" - I'm a very tiny human
- I have a very weird obsession with smarties... I don't know how to justify it really
- I went to my very first gig/ concert when I was 14 and it was The Wanted in Gloucester, it was fun but my neighbour piggy backed me for the whole gig and I feel sorry for her back!
- I LOVE horror movies, omg its so strange but I love all types of horror
- I have dyscalculia- so basically I can't do maths, no matter what anyone says I cannot do maths, I failed maths GCSE...
- I broke my nose once, playing netball in my second week of secondary school and I just watched the ball hit my face... I've also had two operations, one to remove my appendix the other because stuff went wrong in the first one.
- I have two middle names- however, I'm not going to tell you guys them, maybe you'll be able to figure them out yourselves.. or not!
- I legit hate egg- I like eggy bread and egg fried rice but that's about it. I hate the smell and just no.
- I have a really sensitive nose, so basically I get put off smells really fast so I don't buy big bottles of perfume because I end up not using them really fast
- My feet are size 5 and everyone says that's big for my height but there we go
- On the topic of feet, I have joined toes and before you get completely grossed out they're not joined fully just half on my index and middle toes
- I had braces when I was 15 until I was nearly 17- it sucked ass
- I have a double jointed hand- its weird af but there we go and its my party trick ;)
- I sleep talk at night and I have an app that records it, its so weird because I say the most random stuff ever!
- I've been writing a diary since I was 11 and its full of crap but there we go ;)
- I can't eat wheat or gluten so I can't eat bread, pizza, pasta, cake etc. It sucks big time
- Lastly, I used to do tap, ballet and gymnastics but I had to quit when I went to secondary school and I really wish I hadn't
Anyway thats all, I've added two videos below because I uploaded two yesterday:
Over and out nuggies ♡