I hoped you enjoyed my last post which is the first in a small series called "Let's Talk About" where I discuss problems, life, and/or give advice.
This week's post is about gluten intolerance. This is something that I suffer from and so I stopped eating gluten about 6 years ago. It's actually so awkward and I used to get really frustrated when I went to parties or people just wanted to have a "pizza night" because I couldn't eat any food I wanted to.
So, are you intolerant?
Here are the 3 symptoms that helped me diagnose my problems:
1. Bloating after eating 'gluten heavy' foods such as pizza, pasta and bread
2. Extreme tiredness and body cramps
3. A small eczema type rash but not itchy
If you have any of these symptoms then maybe try cutting gluten out of your diet for a couple of weeks to see if these go away. If they don't, you might need to see your local GP.
If you have been diagnosed or just feel like going gluten free, here are the best brands to enjoy:
- Genius - They do the best gluten free substitutes. Good gluten free bread can be impossible to find and trust me I have tried many. I've eaten every brand possible only to find they're very dry, too crumbly or just taste disgusting. Genius is one of the only brands that I can eat as bread (a.k.a. un-toasted) and they also make croissants, crumpets, muffins and bagels- BONUS!
- Schär - A German company and Europe's No.1 gluten free food company. They have THE best chocolate fingers and Oreo substitutes, I like to eat their crispbreads with a bit of butter and marmite.
- WOW baking - This company is actually American but I have found some of their items in TX MAXX so keep your eyes peeled because these guys do the BEST gluten free cookies out there! I personally love cookies and it's heartbreaking to not be able to find any soft gooey cookies. Yes, there are the more biscuit version of cookies that M&S do or Prewetts, but I LOVE squishy cookies. These are the bomb! Their packets of cookies are a little pricier but definitely worth it.
- Marks and Spencer - M&S have done it again with their gluten free on-the-go food. When I first started being gluten free, there was no such thing as a shop bought gluten free sandwich. Yes, you could buy bread and butter and all the necessary ingredients, but you'd have to make it at home which was time consuming and boring. I actually emailed Marks and Spencer after looking for anything gluten free in their food on the go section and finding absolutely nothing apart from a very plain and boring salad which consisted of lettuce and some dressing. Having complained about their lack of allergen free food, I waited a few years and recently, M&S have brought out a whole range of gluten free food, from pasta salads to mini cakes. Yes, they are very expensive so I tend to treat myself to a gluten free sandwich from them only from time to time, but then it makes it all the more exciting when I get to eat it!
So what happens if I eat gluten? A lot of people ask me this!
Basically what happens is that I get cramps, I bloat like a 6 month pregnant woman and I sometimes get a rash.
Obviously I don't eat gluten on purpose because no one enjoys any of the above! But if I do accidentally eat it and get these symptoms, I've found a few ways to make life more bearable until the pain goes away:
1. A hot water bottle- these are a blessing for everything from period cramps to warming up a cold bed at night. If you have severe cramps then boil a kettle and fill up your bottle.
2. Warm lemon water- This is not only really calming for when you're feeling really uncomfortable but also it makes your hugely bloated stomach less tight and more relaxed. Also walking around and drinking slowly will help.
3. Sleeping- if possible, try and take a little nap. Set an alarm and sleep for an hour, your body will thank you for it!
So, that's a long post but I hope you guys found it informative!
Until next time,
Beffy xo ♡