Monday, 11 March 2019

Social Media Growth Scams on Instagram ♡

Hello everyone and welcome back! Happy 2019 (If it's still acceptable to say that!!)

Okay, I am well aware that I've been neglecting this blog for over a year and for that, I really am very sorry. I was super busy with my final year of uni and something had to give!

But now I'm back (and finished with uni), let's get this straight: I'll be posting on here a bit, but not every month. You can follow my Instagram ( to keep up with me as I'm much more active on there.

So, I received an email about a week ago, which was about Instagram Growth. The email promoted a company who could give you more followers (up to 1k-2k more in exchange for money- or in my case, a free trial). They emphasised heavily on the fact that they weren't buying fake followers, they were somehow, mysteriously giving your account exposure to help you gain followers who were actually interested in your content.

Seems like a good deal right?

But, it's not. I've learnt (the hard way) that the ratio of followers to likes are never equal and that's normal. You don't see every person you follow's posts in your feed and you don't always like their posts even when you see them. So, it's only normal that you're going to get less likes than followers.

However, growth companies are not the way forward. I'm not 100% sure how they work, but being offered tons of "interested followers" in exchange for money doesn't seem very legit. A lot of them DM on Instagram too, pretending to be interested in your feed then offering you a "job opportunity" (some of these might be legit but I find majority of them aren't.)

If you're keen on getting lots of followers, then there's definitely different ways of doing so. Although I don't have a huge amount of followers on Instagram, I thought I'd put together 7 tips to teach you how to get follows from real people. (Not paid for followers)

1. Know your brand- who are you and why should people follow you? Maybe you're promoting a brand or posting makeup tutorials. Or you might be an advocate for natural, lifestyle blogging. Whatever it is that you're essentially "selling", you need to clear from the start. Everything from your username to your icon. Edit your bio to tell others about you but keep it short and sweet.

2. Theme- It might sound extra and it isn't something everyone is into, but it is worth trying to keep a theme. For me, I go for a white and bright looking theme for my Instagram and most of my photos have the same colour palette. Some people go for a pastel theme or pink. This just creates a more eye catching page for your account and will bring in followers.

3. Pre planning and pre shooting- This is important if you're going to take Instagram seriously. Sometimes life gets in the way and we end up forgetting things or having a bad day and in that instance, the last thing you want to worry about is posting on Instagram. Pre planning your feed, photos etc will really help you and honestly, maybe spend an afternoon taking some high quality photos and editing them so they're ready to go up. You may not ever upload them because that happens to me very often but it's worth having content ready anyway. (I also use an app called UNUM in order to plan and match my theme)

I really would emphasise taking really good high quality photos so make sure your shots are well lit, in focus and interesting. There are some great tutorials online for photography if you need some help with that.

(Personally I find people are also more engaged when the posts aren't always of you!)

4. Interesting captions- No one likes to read an essay about how you eat Cheerios for breakfast, okay? Talk about something interesting, like how you read a book or watched a film and ask others for their opinions too.

For example you could say "Just finished watching *insert film here*. Loved every second of it! What did you guys think of it?" Also, emojis (used in moderation) are great when breaking up captions too.

5. Stay active- There's no point having a great feed and posting lush photos if you're not engaged with others. Like people's posts, follow similar accounts, comment on photos, stay super engaged in other's lives too and people will do the same back. There's no harm in spending some time scrolling through Instagram and commenting in people's posts.

But beware of spamming comments, don't just comment for the sake of it. Comment something genuine and optimistic!

6. Hashtags- These are SUPER important in order to get your posts seen by others than just your followers. Everyone uses hashtags to find content, even brands and promoters do. There are a couple of things to remember when you're hashtagging. Make sure your tags are relevant to your posts (no one likes #makeup on a food post.

Secondly, don't use more than 30 tags or Instagram will think you're a spam account and you're less likely to appear on your followers' feed.

7. Post timings- Spend some time figuring out when is best to post on Instagram, when are your followers most active? You could do a poll on your story and ask when people are most on Instagram or you could see when you post, how many likes you get in different times of the day.

For example, I know my followers are most active at about 11 in the morning or 4 in the afternoon. This is because a lot of them are mums or bloggers who do work and have a coffee at around 11 and scroll through their feed. Or they're school kids who leave school at 4 and scroll through Instagram on the way home.

Hope you found this post helpful!! Stay beautiful lovelies! xo

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

My Eating Problems & Advice ♡

Hi everyone and welcome back!

This month's post is a little different to my usual recommendations because I've seen a lot of people having trouble with eating and their relationship with food. So, I want to tell you guys my story and give a bit of advice on how to have a good relationship with eating and food.

(Disclaimer: I was never diagnosed or treated for an ED [eating disorder] so I can't give you any professional advice, only advice from my own experience.)

(Disclaimer 2.0: I also have a high metabolism so my body has always been able to burn off food fast, I like to snack often and eat small meals, however, this doesn't work for everyone. You need to figure out what's right for you.)

(Disclaimer 2.1: I'm 5ft 1 (154cm) so I'm very petite. I also have dietary requirements which I'll explain below.)

Firstly, let's have a brief introduction. I've always been skinny, since I can remember I've been more skin and bone than anything else. I have zero fat on my body. Including my boobs (what boobs?!). My relationship with food was very neutral when I was little. I was picky and mainly ate home food and packed lunches. If I went out to a restaurant I'd only eat the kids menu up until I was about 13. My family never had a problem with that, we joked that I had a small appetite but could drink anyone under the table (with juice obvs, I was under 18!).

Age 16. Weighing 6.2 st (39kg)
Let's fast forward a few years. So I was 16 and at secondary (high) school. I was self conscious as my friends and I were getting more into fashion and caring about what we looked like. Some of my friends had boyfriends and we're beginning to work out at the gym and eat less sweets, chocolate, artificial sugars and much less  of the general crap you eat as a teen.

Me on the left aged 17.
I weighed 6.5 st (41kg)
Around this time I found out that I was gluten intolerant and so my diet began to change drastically. My school didn't really cater for allergies and neither did restaurants. Super markets had very basic gluten free options and I found myself being less interested in food. A few of the girls at school bullied each other about their weight. A girl became anorexic. I started to worry that I was fat. (I was not.) I began to stop eating. I used to stick post it notes in my school work and on my desk in class telling me not to eat. I went from 7.5 st (48kg) to 6.1 st (39kg) in the space of a year.

In the next few months, I became completely obsessed with my weight. I kept thinking I was too fat. I craved the attention of people saying I was too skinny. I loved being able to see my collar bones, having a gap between my thighs. I liked being able to see my ribs. The need to be thinner and thinner was ruining my life but I couldn't see it. My friends would comment on that fact that I used to skip meals or eat just salads. I became uncomfortable eating around people because of it and tended to skip even more meals at lunch, saying I felt sick or tired.

I also got very involved with Tumblr, the obsession with bones and being skinny. The dark side of the Internet as it were. I used to chat to girls and guys online and we'd encourage each other not to eat. We were called "Ana Buddies".

Age 18. Weighing 6.6st (42kg)
Although I wasn't concerned at the time, I found myself tired, drained of energy and sleepy. I got mood swings, my skin was lanky and my hair was greasy. My body hated what I was doing to it and I couldn't stop.

Around the age of 17, I had some unrelated health issues. I lost more weight and began to get depressed. I used to binge and then starve, a technique that is often used when people are depressed. I began to cry a lot.

After I turned 18, I began to get healthier and more mentally stable, however I still struggled with food. Since I'd been obsessed with my weight for two years, it was really hard to break the habit. Whenever I ate something carby or fatty or a treat, I'd feel guilty, like I didn't deserve to eat it. It got better as I spent less time thinking about food and more time I spent finding new hobbies.

Age 19. Weighing 7 st (44kg)
I relapsed a year later when I got a job that provided me with little to no food breaks. I'd just starve myself for the day and binge in the evening. As I was home more, my family made sure I had a good meal at least once a day but I found myself buying smaller dress sizes. For the first time since I'd started to become obsessed, I was disappointed with myself. I wanted to be healthy and not keep buying smaller clothes.

From then to now, I've been eating much better. I still have bad days or bad weeks but as I live on my own, I find there's no one to tell me I look too skinny. I find myself wanting to be a healthy weight rather than just skinny. However, I'm not "cured". I still have that little voice at the back of my min that tells me I'm too fat. Now it's easier to shut it out more often.

So now you've read the story, I'm going to tell you some advice I picked up along the way.

Age 20. Weighing 7.5st (48kg)
1. Find a different obsession. Some people count calories, some starve. Some binge, some puke. Find something else to become obsessed with. Usually people who struggle with eating problems lack control in other aspects of their lives. Find that control. Whether you become obsessed with painting or reading or the gym, it doesn't matter, just find something unrelated to food to get into and fill up your time.

2. Listen to your body. If your tummy is grumbling then eat something. If you're feeling bloated then have a lie down. Don't punish your body for its natural functions.

3. Drink water. I cannot emphasise this enough, not only will you feel more full (rather than snacking all the time) but the average person won't drink enough water per day and you need to stay hydrated. You'll feel much healthier and it will benefit your body and skin too!

4. Let yourself have a treat. Whether it be a chocolate bar or a scoop of ice cream, let yourself have a small treat because you deserve it. BUT, don't binge it. I've found that having no control and binging a whole tub of ice cream doesn't benefit you in any way and it tricks you into thinking you're not allowed treats. Small rewards ever so often makes you feel good.

5. Don't let people tell you how to eat. YOU know what YOU need to eat to live healthily and happily. Don't let someone tell you that you should eat more carbs or less veggies. It's your body and your life. Live it the way you want to.

Age 21. Weighing 7.5 st (48kg) and feeling

6. Find someone who eats healthily and ask for advice. Having friends or acquaintances who eat properly makes the world of difference. They can introduce you to new recipes, help you snack healthily and just encourage you to eat better.

7. Avoid "feeders". Feeders are people who feel guilty for eating something so they'll encourage you to eat it and then feel almost happy that you ate something that's considered unhealthy to them. AVOID these people at all costs. They mess with your mind set and make you feel worse about yourself. Just don't be around these people.

8. Find a goal. If you can set yourself a goal weight or a goal "look" then do it. Be realistic with yourself. Then stick to a routine everyday, if you had the motivation to lose the weight then you can put it back on.

9. Set an eating schedule. You may not be able to stick to it all the time but it will help you. Set times for when you should to eat, there are apps which can help you set timers on your phone so you remember to eat. Soon you'll fall into a routine and just eat naturally but it's definitely worth finding a planner to help you with the first few months.

10. Please seek help. Whether its from a friend, a family member or someone anonymous, if you feel like you can't do this on your own then ask for help. There is no shame in seeking advice or help and anyone who makes you feel guilty for asking for help isn't worth it. DROP THEM.

Me last summer. Age 20 and loving my body.
Weighing 7.5 st (48kg) and feeling gorgeous.

I'm pretty happy with the way I look, I still have bad times but the good definitely outweigh the bad. I'm happy to stand in a swimming costume and feel cute.

I hope this blog post helped you or even if not you then someone you know. Don't forget to look out for yourself and others!

Stay beautiful my loves!!

Beffy xo ♡

Monday, 5 March 2018

Spring Skin & Hair Care Must-Haves ♡

Hello everyone and welcome back to March's blog post!! ♡

Today I'm going to discuss some cool products as Spring is just around the corner!

Firstly, is the Anatomical Grab Your Melons shower gel. This is in partnership with Coppafeel which is a great company who spread awareness for breast cancer. I got this shower gel in a Birchbox and I love it. It smells great and fresh and lasts really well! It's only £1.50 from Birchbox (you can buy it here) plus, it encourages you to check your ladies for any suspicious lumps while lathering it on your body so you smell delicious!

As some of you may know, I damaged my hair a couple of years ago with bleach and if you haven't seen the video then you can watch it here. So, I was always searching for good products to soften my hair. I knew it wasn't going to be repaired so I didn't think it was worth spending a lot of money on a product when all I had to do was make my hair bearable while I waited for it to grow out. I tried a lot of products and I'd honestly 100% swear by the Paul Mitchell Leave In Conditioner. It smells AH-MAZING! I love it and it makes my hair so soft.

It's very simple to use. I'd wash my hair normally with shampoo and conditioner and then pop some on my ends and any dry patches after I'd towel dried my hair. I'd rub it in and then leave my hair to dry naturally. It works wonders for dry or damaged hair honestly! Its a little expensive but I found it in the States and it was much cheaper. For UK readers, you can find it here at the price of £14.50.

So the next product is a great, all natural face wash which I use a few times each week. It's the Balance Me Pure Skin Face Wash. It's super smooth and the smell is weirdly compelling! I tend to use it in the morning to wash off all the dead skin and oils from the night before. It just makes me feel so fresh and my skin is so soft after! Definitely worth £16! You can check it here

On the topic of skin, I've recently bought a Vitamin C serum by Nutrient Wise. It was sent to me as free item and I'm always skeptical about free stuff. As some of you might already know, I have THE most sensitive, combo, breakout prone skin and it sucks. 

So, I've been using this serum at night and it's working pretty well. My skin feels soft and usually when I wake up, it's very oily but this seems to quench the oil without making my skin dry. The only downside is that it has some sort of fish in the ingredients and so the smell isn't fab, and definitely can be off putting when you're rubbing it into your nose! But I really do like this, you can find it here.

Lastly, is a something that no one really talks about... FOOT CREAM! So some people have a weird obsession with feet while others are absolutely repulsed by the sight of a toe! However you feel, looking after your feet is important. They definitely go through a lot, and we all use hand cream right? So why not foot cream? 

The one that I love is the Soap and Glory Heel Genius cream which is SUPER soft and gets rid of those nasty cracks on your heels. It soothes my skin so I don't feel embarrassed wearing sandals or flip flops in the summer. It's time to start looking after your feet now so that, in the summer they look gorgeous. Plus it wasn't too expensive at £5.50 and you only need a TINY bit for your whole foot. You can find it here.

Okay, so that's it for March's post. I hope you enjoyed it! Comment if you like any of these products or would like to try them!

Until the next post,

Beffy xo ♡

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Beauty Advice To My Teen Self ♡

Hey everyone and welcome back! ♡

This is a slightly different blog post because as a teenager I wasn't very good at looking after my skin. Growing up, you tend to push away skincare and cake on foundation. Maybe you exfoliate once in a blue moon and you wash your face a few times a week. So, this is a little note to younger me who never really looked after her skin a lot.

(Side note: be ready to see fetus photos of me and laugh!)

Firstly, I really had great skin growing up, until I was about 12. I had minor cystic acne for about 6 years and I tried lots of different faces washes, antibiotics and scrubs to help it. Nothing worked so when I was 17, I was put on Roaccutane. If you don't know what that is then I made a video on it and you can watch it here.
This was my minor cystic acne which I had for
most of my teen years.

While my skin flared up and I had severe acne for about 6 months, I learnt a lot about finding the right moisturisers and keeping my skin hydrated as the pills dried it out. I found a few good products but, as a teen, I always went with cheap products rather than expensive and worth it. Now, don't get me wrong, drug store stuff can be amazing, but you have to find the right product for your skin, you can't just pick any old one and hope it helps.

Anyway, if you have severe acne then definitely watch my video because I recommend a few good moisturisers and lip balms.

Now onto the things I wish I didn't do as a teen (oh gosh, this is gonna be full of regret!).

This was when my skin was getting better but was
still very acne ridden.

Firstly, here's a common misconception which has been influenced by the film Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Can you guess where I'm going with this?


I used to religiously put vaseline on my eyelashes when I was about 13, with high hopes that they would grow. WRONG! Vaseline is so bad for your eyes, it clogs up the sensitive pores around your eyes and will leave you with what looks like under the skin spots but you can't get rid of them.

For about 2 years, I constantly put vaseline on my eyelashes, every night, until I Googled it and found out it was a bad idea. The skin around my eyes is so thin and Vaseline is very thick and greasy. I then realised I had those little bumps around my eyes (they're called milia) and I tried to figure out how to get rid of them. In the end I think they went away on their own, but after that I never put Vaseline near my eyes again.

Next is not squeezing your spots. OMG! This is the worst thing ever, I used to squeeze a lot because it was tempting right? When you see a spot come to a head you're like yes, I wanna squeeze it! NO NO NO! It's so bad for your skin. My skin scars badly, especially my face, because the skin is SO thin and sensitive, so squeezing spots is a no no.

If you feel tempted then put some cream on it, I use Sudocrem because it dries the spot out. It'll come to a head and fall out without irritating or damaging your skin. If you're going out and you don't want to walk out with blobs of white cream all over your face then you can find some clear gels/ spot wands which will help. (My favourite one was a witch hazel and tea tree spot wand by Boots, you can check it out here.)

I was about 15 here and you can see the
redness of my skin.
Another misconception is, putting toothpaste on spots. I remember people at school telling me this as it "hands down" worked for them because the toothpaste dried out the spots. Please don't do this, toothpaste is for your mouth and not your spots. Again, the sensitive skin on your face will not like toothpaste being smeared onto it.

So along the same point, you need to listen to your skin. If it feels dry, give it a bit extra moisturiser. If it's feeling rough, exfoliate it. Just listen to what it wants, skin changes depending on seasons, foods, hormones, environment and so many others variables. So you need to listen to it in order to achieve the best looking skin.

As a teen one of my worst habits was chewing my lips. I wish I could tell my teen self not to do that because my early 20s self now has the worst lips, they're so dry and cracked and bleed a lot.

I honestly should have stopped chewing them and put lip balm on everyday because it would have helped so much in the long run. Now, I apply lip balm all the time, scrub them and try harder to look after them generally. Remember, no one wants to kiss chapped lips (unless you're into that of course...).

Lastly, WASH YOUR HAIR! As a teen I used to either wash my hair everyday or didn't wash it for a week. Those are both terrible habits. Washing too often strips your hair of all the essential oils that help your hair and scalp stay healthy. Not washing for a week, well that's just grim isn't it?

I used to dye my hair a lot, especially when I was about 17 up until I was 19 and washing your hair too often made the dye fade so I used to avoid washing it at all costs. That's so so so, gross and I can't believe I used to do that. (I did use dry shampoo though!)

Now I wash it every other day or every 2, and I use dry shampoo or translucent powder when it looks a bit oily. (I'm planning on doing a night routine video on my YouTube channel so keep your eyes peeled for that).

Also, I wasn't as bad at this (thank God!) but, my friends were. Getting you hair cut often. It's much better to get a haircut every 10-14 weeks depending on how long your hair is. It's going to benefit your hair so much and it'll also help you when it comes to styling! Honestly, it's really gross and bad for your hair not to cut it, you're just gonna get split ends that spread like wildfire and ruin your hair and generally just don't behave.

And here is my skin now! BLEMISH FREEEE! (Obviously, I am
wearing a bit of makeup but you get the idea!)
So, to end this post, it's very easy to be lazy with your skin when you're young, thinking:

"Oh it's fine I have teenage skin and it's healthy". BUT, it is really important to look after it even now because you'll 100% regret it when you're older!

Until next time,

Beffy xo

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Skincare for Winter ♡

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas and welcome to the first post of 2018!

So in this post, I wanna talk about looking after your skin in the winter. For me, the winter is a blessing and also a sin for my skin. Chapped lips, dry skin and nose shiny noses are a few of the problems I encounter in the cold months of the year. However, my skin can behave pretty well in the colder months, so these are a few of my favourite products for when my skin isn't behaving.

To start off, I have found a great night moisturiser which is the answer to your prayers if you have oily/ combination skin. It was SO cheap (£1.50) and from The Body Shop which I would highly recommend as a vegan, cruelty free shop plus most of their products smell delicious enough to eat (don't eat them though!). It's made from seaweed which makes it have a slightly odd smell (nothing too strong thank God) and the bottle is pretty small so it lasts only a few weeks. However, that can be overlooked for how well it works on combo skin. It's a night treatment and it's more of a gel type liquid in a little pump bottle but it just stops your face feeling super oily. I love it and as someone who suffers from pretty oily and blemish prone skin, it means I don't wake up all oily and feeling gross. I'm afraid I can't find it online but you might be able to find it in stores!

So still on the topic of skin, I've found a pretty good alternative to an average moisturiser. Combined with the night treatment, I use a Snail Bee High Content Essence in the morning after toning to keep my skin from being oily but also keeps an even skin tone. I was hesitant about buying this serum as it was £16 but, the Korean beauty shop I visited, swore by it. I can honestly say, after using it for just over a month that it is REALLY good. I did use it at night too but as it was so expensive, I didn't want to waste it, plus I loveeee my seaweed moisturiser. For someone who has had problematic skin for most of my teen life, I never swear by products because I nearly always jinx it but, this one is honestly really great. It moisturises without being really greasy and prevents shine which is such a bonus. I didn't realise how well it worked until I didn't use it for a few days and found my skin was bumpy and oily again. I would recommend this to anyone with oily, combo skin! You can find on Amazon here.

Next, and still on face products is, a really good exfoliator. I used to have terrible acne and as a result, it has left with me with some scars on my cheeks. I learnt that exfoliating is one of the best methods for acne scars as it helps remove the scarred layers of skin and help new skin grow. I've got pretty sensitive skin too, so I've tried out a lot of exfoliators which end up too harsh or bring my skin out in a rash. However, this one from Boots is the best. It has witch hazel and tea tree which makes your skin super smooth and doesn't dry it out a lot. It has a creamy texture which is very soft so it doesn't really isn't abrasive at all. I use it about once a week, usually after I've worn a lot of makeup and my skin has gone from really quite scarred to pretty smooth and even! Check it out here.

Onto those "nashers" (teeth for people who aren't familiar with that term) now, which are REALLY important. Personally, I drink a lot of tea and coffee so my teeth are slightly yellow. I used to have braces and after they were taken off, I realised how much I need to look after my teeth. Teeth are something that most people take for granted unless you've got really bad teeth or had braces. I've been trying to whiten them recently and I've been using Blanx toothpaste for about 3 weeks now, and it has made a pretty good difference. Keeping them healthy is one thing, but keeping them white is also important. Blanx was a bit on the steep side being nearly £6 from Boots but I think it's worth it if you want a whitening toothpaste that doesn't completely ruin your enamel and especially if you don't want to pay a fortune for whitening products.

Still on the topic on mouths, I've found a pretty great lip balm which I got for free but is actually £12. *cries at the price* So as you may know already from my previous posts and my YouTube videos, I have THE worst lips most of the time. They're so chapped and dry and if I don't use lip balm, they get so bad that they split! So, I'm always searching for a good lip balm to smooth those chapped babies. This one is Dr Lipp's Nipple Balm (I know I thought it was for nips too and was very confused!), it's kinda like a lip mask and so is very thick and gooey but works a treat, especially in bad weather. Now, I know that £12 is on the pretty pricy size but, I have seen it floating around TK Maxx for about £6 which is more reasonable price as it is a tiny, weeny tube. Having said that, it has lasted me about 6 months as I don't use it everyday and I've still got some left. You can find it for it's full price here.

So, I hope you enjoyed this post all about winter skin care, don't forget to tell me what your favourite products are!

Until next time,

Beffy xo ♡

Friday, 8 December 2017

Winter Wonders of Makeup (and Beauty) ♡

Hi everyone!

While it's getting pretty chilly outside, I've been snuggling in the warmth and finding new beauty and makeup treasures to tell you guys about.

Firstly, I've found the cheapest and most pigmented highlight shade you will ever find! It's a single shade by the brand Makeup Obsession, which I'll admit, I've never even heard of. I bought a lovely lilac shimmer shade called Moon. Honestly for it's price, it is the best, long lasting shade I've ever used. The only down side is that because it is so bright, you only need a little to have that GLOW. (Which can be a bit annoying if you apply too much). Check out all their shades here.

Next up is Too Faced's Better Than Sex mascara. To be honest, I wasn't 100% sure about this when I first bought it. I was late to jump on the band wagon and I was very skeptical. Mascara's are very hit and miss for me, I have fine, light brown eyelashes and I find that most mascaras clump them and make then too dark. However, BTS is a blessing. It coats my lashes with a thin layer that isn't too dark or heavy and splits them apart so they don't clump together. You can apply more layers but, it might be worth combing them once you have more than one layer. I find that, as I wear contacts sometimes and have super watery eyes, that it smudges under my eyes during the day so I end up having to clean just below my lower lash line. It's a little on the pricy side but, honestly I think it's worth investing in this mascara. They also sell a waterproof one which I am keen to try. You can buy it here.

So as you guys know, I'm a sucker for face masks and I have found two brands that I've pretty much fallen in love with over their face masks.

The first brand is Blaq Mask. I got two 15ml tubes of these in a gift bag from BeautyCon London. I've always wanted to try these masks but some of them look really overpriced for what they are. So, when I got two of these for free, I was pretty excited to try them. It's super weird putting gloopy black liquid on your face but it dries hard and shiny and obviously the most satisfying part is the peeling.  I applied it all over my face and my skin was super soft and my pores were minimised when I washed it off. I obsess over face masks and finding the right ones, I would highly recommend this one if you've wanted to try this charcoal trend. The only downside is the price, for one tube of 60ml it's £14.00 which I think is pretty steep for a face mask. However, it will last you longer than one or two uses, so it's worth it if I want to fork out for it. You can find it here.

Next is 7th Heaven masks which I also got in a goody bag. These are in sachets which can be a little annoying because they have enough inside for more than one use but you have to fold them and clip them tightly or else they dry out. However, these are pretty fun and SUPER cheap! I found them in Boots for £1 per mask which has approx. 2 uses. They have a huge selection of peel off masks or wash off. For the price, they're actually worth it, they leave your skin feeling soft and refreshed. Plus, sometimes they're on sale in Asda for 85p which is such an awesome deal! I would 100% recommend these, especially if you're someone who doesn't want to spend a lot on good masks.

And, last but by no means least is the Duo Lash Glue. I personally love false lashes and if I'm going for a night out, the last thing I want is for my lashes to peel off halfway through the night (which has happened to me many times). This lash glue does hold all night and there is no need to reapply which is amazing. It is pretty reasonably priced at £5.99 for a tube, and because you don't need to reapply, it lasts much longer. You can find it here.

That's all for this post, folks. Until next time and Merry Christmas everyone!

Beffy xo ♡

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Autumn Must- Haves ♡

Hi my lovely bunch!

Firstly, I need to apologise for the fact that I have posted in nearly 3 months! I am back at uni and it's my final year so it's all pretty hectic!

Enough about my boring non blogging life, onto this season's faves. I've struggled to find some good items to put in this blog post which firstly relate to Autumn but are also Halloweeny (because I just love Halloween) and are relevant and not 5 months old!

So, first off I found this adorable bralette in the TopShop sale. It's a gorgeous orange colour which, obviously is very Autumn-y and the lace is super cute! It was £8 and with a student discount it was £7.20- BARGIN! But, because I bought it in the sale, I'm afraid I can't find it on the website so check in your local stores in case it's in there.

The next must have is a gorgeous lip colour that I've been obsessed with since I got it a few months ago. It's a liquid lipstick by the brand Beauty Bakerie and the colour is "I Like To Chai Chai". This product is amazing, it stays on all day and night with barely any topping up needed. I am in love with the brown toned shade which is super cute for Autumn. I bought this at IMATS, (which is a makeup convention, click here to read my post about it) from and you can buy it here.

So, I always love me a good candle and I found one that is particularly sweet! It's by Baylis and Harding and I actually found it in the Asda reduced items so I nabbed it for £6.00. The scent is pink prosecco and cassis. Now, I had no idea what 'cassis' was when I bought the candle, I just really liked the smell. It's actually an alcoholic drink made from blackcurrents. That gives the candle its super sweet smell which is perfect if you've cooked something strong or you just want a nice smell in your room. You can buy it here.

Okay, so the next one I've been super excited about and I have yet to use it but, its the Makeup Revolution SFX palette. If, like me, you love Halloween and dressing up then this palette is going to be your best friend! It has 8 creamy shades which will help you achieve your desired scary makeup. I love practicing SFX makeup, especially as a self taught makeup artist but, sometimes the items you want to buy are expensive and very advance. I used to create bruises and such with eyeshadow palettes and imagination but, now there's an SFX palette I needn't waste my shades! This is £6 in Superdrug but, if like me you have a loyalty card, you may be able to get money off. (I paid £4 for mine!)

The next item is definitely a must have in the fashion world this season. CORDUROY! I love cord as I am cold 99% of the time and cord keeps you very warm. I already have a super cute burgundy cord pinafore but dusty pink is very in fashion so I hunted down a cute pink cord skirt. I tend to use an app called DEPOP if I'm searching for clothes and I don't want to pay full price for them. Depop is best for urban renewal and items that have only been worn once but are being sold for a quarter of the retail price! I bought this gorgeous skirt from Depop and I'm in love with it! It's originally from ASOS but the seller cut the skirt to make it shorter and was selling it for £15. It's so cute but I wore it to a gig and managed to rip it so I'll be doing my own DIY rework of it! You can check out my Depop page here, I'm selling a few items of my own.

Lastly is my holy grail of eyeliners. Kat Von D has done it again and her Tattoo Eyeliner is a blessing in the makeup world. Cat eyes have been in fashion for a while and are an essential part of my daily makeup look, I used to use a Soap and Glory felt liner but it smudged a lot and faded throughout the day. I looked into better eyeliners and then when the Better Together collection by Too Faced and Kat Von D came out, I thought I'd try a mini version of the liner, rather than buying a big one and not liking it. Honestly, this is such an amazing liner, it is so precise and stays flawless all day. If you're an eyeliner junkie like me then this is perfect for you! You can buy it here.

So, we've come to the end of our Autumn favourites, I hope you liked these items and let me know if you would buy any of them!

Until next time,

Beffy xo